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Template for Posting Unofficial Operations

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This post contains the template that organizers of unofficial operations will be required to utilize when creating operations posts on our forums. Formatting (font type, size and color, use of bullet points, etc.) is up to the organizer, but unless a section is marked as OPTIONAL, all sections must appear in the operations post.

The importance of utilizing this template lies primarily in setting expectations. During an official operation, there is an understanding that events will unfold and players will behave in accordance with our Unit Charter. Some examples of rules that are always in effect during official operations:

  • Chain of command is observed at all times
  • Intentional friendly fire is forbidden
  • Negligent weapon discharges are not permitted
  • Players do not operate independent of their team
  • Disrespect of other players is not tolerated

Because unofficial operations allow mission makers to experiment with new game types, players may come to an unofficial operation with differing expectations. That's why it's important for the organizer to state in their operations post what sort of experience they are trying to create and how they expect players to behave. Your post should consist of 11 items, as follows: 

Topic TitleThe text of your topic title will start with [UNOF] tag, followed by a title of your choice, and ending with the date and time (in CST) of your unofficial operation.

Topic Body: The body of your topic should start with the title, as outlined above.

[OPTIONAL]Image: You can add a map, photo, or other image if it helps to add flavor, inform players, or evoke the mood of the operation.

Briefing or Outline: This is the setup and background for your operation.

Mission Tags: These are a new requirement that is intended to give players an "at-a-glance" understanding of what kind of mission the organizer is putting on. You can use as many tags as necessary, and the index of tags will likely grow.

Tag Index: This is a quick reference of the different tag types.

[OPTIONAL]Mission Statement: This is your chance to state how you expect the scenario to unfold. You can skip this if you want your unofficial operation to run the same as an official operation. Any changes or exceptions to normal operational procedure should be indicated here. You're not telling players what to do or how to do it, but instead providing guidance on the type of scenario and atmosphere you're trying to create.

Objective Summary: A concise breakdown of mission parameters.

[OPTIONAL]Additional Intelligence: Anything that isn't covered in the Briefing or Objectives section should be added here. This can include, but is not limited to, in-game start time, weather (if known), enemy disposition (if known), equipment restrictions or additions, radio frequencies, special rules or rules changes, and player roles.

ModsA list of required addons. If you don't require any additional addons, feel free to write "Standard BCT mods"

[OPTIONAL]Response Form: If you require specific information from individual players, use this section to ask for their responses. If you do not utilize this section, player response should typically be, "R&U - attending".

Feel free to copy and paste the following section into your unofficial operations post:




Mission Tags: Text

Tag Index:

  • Serious: players are expected to follow the chain of command and adhere to the same standards of behavior that they would during an official operation. Unless otherwise designated, the organizer of the unofficial operation is the commander and has final authority on how the mission shall be executed.
  • Fun: at the discretion of the organizer of the unofficial operation, players are released from the obligations of a Serious mission, such as following orders, observing chain of command, and goofing around. The organizer is still the commander, however, and can, at any time, change what is and is not allowed.
  • Roleplay: players are expected to remain in character at all times and do their best to avoid breaking immersion.
  • PvP: the mission involves or is focused on player versus player activities or behaviors.

Mission Statement: Text.


  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3

Additional Intelligence:

  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3


  • Bullet 1
  • Bullet 2
  • Bullet 3

Response Form:

  • Question 1
  • Question 2
  • Question 3

[UNOF] Operation Fan Fiction 11SEP2016 @ 1900 CST


"They say it came from Bangkok."


During a routine shakedown flight, an Imperial pilot is hit by a radiation wave and flung through a wormhole that transports him through time and space to a tiny Pacific island on the planet "Earth" during its Second World War. The Japanese forces reverse engineer his technology and create a fleet of TIE Fighters that are poised to change the course of the war. Only a small band of American heroes can stop this nightmare from becoming a reality by infiltrating the island of Okinawa and destroying the Imperial base (get it, Imperial? because it's Star Wars but Japan also had an Emperor?). Oh, and there are totally AT-AT walkers on the island because the Japanese found some blueprints in the TIE Fighter's glove compartment.

Mission Tags: Fun, Roleplay

  • Serious: players are expected to follow the chain of command and adhere to the same standards of behavior that they would during an official operation. Unless otherwise designated, the organizer of the unofficial operation is the commander and has final authority on how the mission shall be executed.
  • Fun: at the discretion of the organizer of the unofficial operation, players are released from the obligations of a Serious mission, such as following orders, observing chain of command, and goofing around. The organizer is still the commander, however, and can, at any time, change what is and is not allowed.
  • Roleplay: players are expected to remain in character at all times and do their best to avoid breaking immersion.
  • PvP: the mission involves or is focused on player versus player activities or behaviors.

Mission Statement: The players are a rough and tough band of misfits who have all committed crimes during the war, but were pardoned in exchange for joining a squad that mostly undertakes suicide missions. This has engendered intense loyalty and built an unbreakable bond between you all, so no backstabbing!


  • Eliminate enemy forces on Okinawa
  • Locate and destroy the Imperial plans
  • Sabotage the production facility

Additional Intelligence:

  • Players are part of Easy Company, 12th Ranger Battalion
  • Each player starts with a pistol, rifle or SMG, and three grenades. Any other gear can be chosen from the WAT modpack
  • Roles that need to be filled: Team leader, Pilot, Saboteur, Sniper, Brick, Ladykiller, Pirate, Driver, Chef
  • Mission start time is 0600. (in game)
  • Weather forecast is for mostly clear skies.


  • Standard BCT mods
  • @173rd_WAT
  • @datStarWarsMod
  • @motherOfAllMaps

Response Form:

  • Will you be able to attend?
  • What role would you like to play?
  • What crime did your character commit to get him or her put onto the squad?
Edited by CPT B.MacDonald
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