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Civilian Server Patrol Applications

READ FIRST: Civilian Server Patrol Applications

Managing a server as popular as the 173rd Public Liberation Server can be a daunting task and requires many people in order to control properly.  As a member of the Civilian Server Patrol (CSP), you are volunteering to assist the 173rd Military Police Staff with managing that server.  You will be granted some access to administrative functions; however, you will also be expected to maintain order and follow all the rules 173rd MPs follow. In addition, as the server is in a state of Martial Law due to active hostilities, you will defer to any 173rd MP on any and all matters in which they are involved.

If you have an interested in pursing this opportunity, please complete the following process and review the requirements below.


  • Currently hold Friend of the 173rd status in good standing
  • Have held Friend of the 173rd status for a minimum of 3 weeks
  • Have demonstrated a working knowledge of the functions of the 173rd Liberation Server (Logistical/Production system, build system, permissions system and overall rules)
  • Have a positive working relationship with the 173rd Military Police Staff
  • Receive an endorsement by either the 173rd Military Police Section Lead or Assistant Section Lead
  • Receive at least 1 endorsement by any member of the 173rd Leadership (Company Command Staff, Platoon Command Staffs, etc)
  • Complete an interview/regulations review with the 173rd Military Police Section Lead or Assistant Section Lead as noted below.
  • Disappearances for 8 months or more will result in the permissions being removed for security reasons


Will take the form of the following two types of entries in a response to the application

  • If the party believes that you are able, willing and ready to take on the additional responsibilities of a CSP member, they will reply with "I give my endorsement."
  • If the party does not believes that you are able, willing and ready to take on the additional responsibilities of a CSP member, they will reply with "I cannot give my endorsement because <with a reason here>."

Note that any party demonstrating a negative response will not be cancelled out by a positive response and depending on the reason provided can result in an immediate decline of the application.

Note that any offense on the 173rd Public Server or TeamSpeak, such as kicks or bans for rules violations, can result in the removal from the CSP depending on severity.

Note that you have 1 week from the time of your app being in to receive enough endorsements.

Application Process:

  1. Using the template below, create a new thread in this forum and complete all of the fields listed.
  2. Await Endorsements.  Once acquired, a member of the 173rd Military Police Leadership will contact you to discuss your interview.
  3. Complete interview and regulation review with the 173rd Military Police Leadership.
  4. Application Template:

The Topic Title of your application must follow the template:  Last Name, First Name - Civilian Server Patrol Application

The Body of the application must follow the following template:

  • TeamSpeak Username:  
  • In-Game Username:  
  • How long have you been a Friend of the 173rd:  
  • How familiar are you with the 173rd Public Liberation Servers game play functions:  
  • Why do you desire to be a part of the CSP as opposed to joining the 173rd and becoming a member of the Military Police Staff: 


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